Sunday, August 4, 2013

Welcome to the Blog

What is this? What am I doing here? The world, or the internet, isn't really in need of another Mormon blog or another feminist blog, or, frankly, another blog in general. But that's okay, I don't need to be a special snowflake. What I do need is a place where I can say all of the things that come bubbling up, express all of my concerns and delights and frustrations. I needed a place for me. Religion has been such a large part of my life for so long but I've found myself without anyone with whom I could discuss it, not really. So here I am to discuss it with myself.

Of course, like most people, I rarely have only one reason for doing anything, and this is no different. I discovered the Bloggernacle last year and it was wonderful to find a world of people who got it, who understood what it was like to doubt and question but still want to hold fast to a religion that had given them, us, so much. And after a year of enjoying that company I wanted to start telling my story, or at least the parts of my story that didn't exactly sync up with the stories I'd already seen. I'm a feminist but not a housewife, single but not young, a Mormon but not from the American West, and so my experience with Mormonism is a different one in many ways.

I want to add my voice to the chorus. I want to be heard.

So this is me. I'm Megan. I'm Mormon. I'm a feminist. I was born and raised in Michigan and have lived here for most of my life. I am the child of Mormon converts and am a convert myself. The only pioneer ancestors I have are the immigrants who made their way from Europe to Michigan for a variety of reasons. I am a sister. I am a daughter. I am an aunt. I am a writer. I am a law school graduate with two bucks to my name. I am a return missionary and I have never been married. I am myself.

I hope that what I have to say is interesting or entertaining or strikes a chord. Because we're not alone and all of our voices should be heard.

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